Setting up and administering a Swiss AG or a foreign company
Bookkeeping, payroll accounting and auditing
Switzerland has one of the most developed economies in Central Europe and it holds one of the top positions in the world with respect to its per capita income level of the population.
The country is bordered by Italy, France, Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein. Switzerland has an area of 41,285 square kilometers.
Population – 8.57 million people (2019).
An average life expectancy for men is 81.7 years, for women – 85.6 years.
Official languages: German, French, Italian and Rhaeto-Romansh.
The structure of economy: services and commerce – 73.5 %, industry – 24.1 %, agriculture – 2.4 %.
National currency: Swiss Franc (CHF).
The state structure is confederative republic, which includes 23 cantons, three of which are subdivided into half-cantons.
Capital city - Bern.
Large international airports are located in Zurich, Geneva and Basel.
According to the international ratings, Switzerland had the most developed infrastructure after Singapore and Finland (communication, roads, public highways, air traffic, energy and fuel supply). In spite of the lack of natural resources, Switzerland is successfully competing on the world markets and maintains its economic stability and high employment rates.
The most developed industries are metal preparation, mechanical engineering, machine-tool building, production of computer equipment, production of transportation means, watches, as well as chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Also, Switzerland is one of the key global financial centers with its highly developed banking sector. Besides this, Switzerland is famous for its ski and recreation resorts and has one of the most beautiful and most explored mountain regions in the world – the Swiss Alps.
The stability of the Swiss currency, the political and economic stability, the favorable geographic location and mild climate all make Switzerland an exclusively attractive place for both entrepreneurial activities and for residence.
The Swiss economy is one of the most liberal and competitive in the world. Foreigners (with or without a residence permit) have the right to establish Swiss enterprises (the independent ones or with the involvement of Swiss residents), to participate in them as shareholders and co-owners, to set up affiliated branches and to manage their own businesses in compliance with certain terms and conditions.
A foreigner does not need any special licenses or permissions from the government bodies, or mandatory participation in the chamber of commerce, unions or associations to establish an enterprise here.
Thanks to the relatively low taxes many foreign companies and private individuals establish their holdings or trade businesses in Switzerland through which they perform their international business.
The establishment of a company can become a necessary (but not the only) prerequisite for getting the residence and labor permits for the citizens of some countries.
However, some professions and businesses require getting special permits in Switzerland. These categories include banking and insurance businesses; in some cantons – hotel and restaurant businesses, pharmacy and law practice, some trades and services (e.g. wine trade). You can get a more detailed description of these topics from our specialists.
An additional advantage includes a well advanced pension system in Switzerland, which is based on a three-tier system of pension funds that guarantee an optimal social protection. The mechanisms developed on the basis of this system allow foreigners using it to ensure a worry-free retirement, to protect their property in unforeseen critical situations and to regulate the issues of legal succession and inheritance planning.
Our top class professionals will be happy to advise you on all the above issues and will provide the required support to resolve your problems.
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